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[Call for proposals for the 2019 conference]

Feb 2019

Call for proposals for the 2019 conference

Become a presenter in the 2019 AZ LGBTQ health conference!

The LGBTQ Integrated Health Coalition of Southern Arizona and the Queer Resource Collective (formerly the LGBTQ Consortium) invite presentation proposals for the 8th Annual Statewide LGBTQ Integrated Health Conference. Your contribution as leaders in the community and health care industry is important to us! Download and review the details of presenting at Let’s Get Better Together: A Quality Look at Healthcare. Proposal submissions are due submit it by February 15, 2019 to [email protected].

Details of the conference

Let’s Get Better Together: A Quality Look at Healthcare will be held June 27th and 28th, 2019, at the Desert Willow Conference Center, Phoenix Arizona. June 27th will feature the Champions of Change Advocacy Institute and Identity Caucuses. June 28th will feature the plenary and breakout sessions. The theme of the 2018 Let’s Get Better Together Conference is Strengthening Our Lives: Authenticity, Intersectionality, Wellness.”

Details about speaking at the conference

The Conference Committee invites workshop proposals that address new and existing healthcare practices for adults and children who identify in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, or Two-Spirit populations. Proposals should address current and proposed best practices in health and human services that focus on eliminating disparities and promoting equity.

The Committee would like to see proposals that discuss how LGBTQ-specific care intersects with various identities, such as race class, ethnicity, age, ability, country of origin, language, gender expression and gender identity, to bring new hope in addressing health equity and eliminating health disparities for so many underserved populations. All proposals should indicate whether or not this workshop will appeal to Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced level participants.

  • A Beginner-level workshop focuses heavily on terminology and introducing individuals to LGBTQ concepts. The audience for this workshop most likely have never worked with LGBTQ populations.
  • An Intermediate-level workshop may briefly touch on terminology but spends 95% of the workshop discussing the subject material directly. Individuals who attend these workshops have likely worked with LGBTQ individuals before and are looking for a deeper level of knowledge.
  • An Advanced-level workshop assumes that participants have an intimate knowledge of LGBTQ definitions and concepts, and instead delves into best practices, innovative new practices, and complex health issues that affect LGBTQ communities.

Please keep in mind that the Let’s Get Better Together Conference is statewide. Proposals should discuss how the presenters plan to be inclusive about reaching participants from all areas in Arizona.


Workshops are a hands-on experience during which the facilitators will teach the participants something they can translate into their own day-to-day work. Each workshop will be 1.5 hours in length. Workshops should not exceed more than two presenters; panel discussions should not exceed four presenters.

Presenters can propose a panel discussion around health equity and how to achieve it. The panel must engage participants in such a way that they can bring information back to their day-to-day work. While there may be a place for personal stories to support the learning, presentations should not be based just on personal stories. All workshops should be welcoming and accommodating to participants regardless of topic. Additional research and evidence is required.

To complete your submission, please fill out the application this application and submit it by February 15, 2019 to [email protected]. The application has three parts; all three parts must be filled out and bios for all presenters must be attached in order for the submission to be complete. Please include a picture of each presenter along with bio.

Questions about your submission? Contact the proposal committee at the email referenced above.

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